Essay Writing - A Few Lesser Known Facts About It

Essay writing is one of the common exercises that we all have done in our academic career. Some people need to write essays in their professional career as well. Even though we have a considerable amount of information regarding essay writing, there are several facts about this common exercise that most of us are not aware of. Here are 4 lesser-known facts about drafting an essay that you might not know before.

Fact #1: There are more than 20 different types of essays in practice

You may be familiar with a few types of essays that are usually assigned to you. However, there are more than 20 different forms of essays that are still in practice. Writing an essay in persuasive form or narrative form may be common for students. But there are also some lesser-known essay types like exploratory essay and response essay which are rarely assigned to the students. For more information, do not hesitate to ask for essay help online.

Fact #2: You can write more than 5 paragraphs in an essay paper

While learning about essay writing, most of us were told that an ideal essay should include five paragraphs only; one for the introduction, one for the conclusion and the three in the middle for the body of the content. There's no rule that makes it compulsory for you to press your content into five paragraphs only. If you have more things to discuss in the body of the essay, you can add a few extra paragraphs. A lot of professional essay writers do it. In fact, there are essays which are more than 2500 words in length.

Fact #3: Essay writing skills can get you a massive amount of scholarship

Yes, it is actually possible to secure a huge amount of scholarship just by writing an impressive essay. There are several governmental and non-governmental services that organize such scholarship programs where they conduct an essay-writing competition. The winner usually gets an academic scholarship.

Though the scholarship money can be used only for educational purposes, there are several entities that offer a cash price for the scholarship. Just go to the internet and search for “Essay Writing for Scholarships”. You will find plenty of results on your search engine.

Fact #4: The introduction of the essay should be used to introduce the topic

People often start explaining the arguments he or she wants to make throughout the essay in the first paragraph, i.e. the introduction of the essay. This is not necessary. The ideal way to write an introduction is by starting it with an attention-grabbing line, followed by a couple of sentences (or more) to gradually lead the reader to the thesis statement. And finally, state the thesis statement that you want to establish through the essay.

 There are several other lesser-known facts about the practice of essay writing. If you keep working on your essay writing skills, you may figure out creative ways to write your own essay.

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